People have different hobbies – some embroidery, some painting, and some collecting. The latter can be aimed either at satisfying one’s own intangible needs or at earning a living. You can organize a private museum, gallery or cinema and sell tickets there. And the business itself can easily be sold at But more about that later.

Everyone needs something to do and a distraction from work. It is even better if the hobby will bring good profits. There is a popular belief that a person is best at what he genuinely loves. 

Private cultural and entertainment organisations are, for many entrepreneurs, not only a way of making money, but also a way of enjoying the process. In other words, every art lover can open his or her own gallery or museum. Legally, there are no particular requirements that cannot be met. But there may come a point at which the entrepreneur ceases to enjoy such a hobby. Let’s say there were difficulties, losses. The time has come to sell. But how can this be done?

To begin with, it is a very interesting kind of business which many people can enjoy. There is no need to get involved with state cultural institutions in order to work in peace. The law allows you to set up museums, galleries, etc. right within your own companies. There are many advantages, as well as room for imagination. 

There are all sorts of museums – instant noodles, dance, breakups, witchcraft, Harry Potter, Lego. And that’s not all. Schools and factories have their own museums. A museum can be devoted to any subject, not to mention exhibits of real value. 

Private collections most often become popular thanks to the name of the owner. The lion’s share of valuable exhibits belongs to already wealthy people who collect for the soul. Some of them allow the public to admire the exhibits, of course for a separate, fixed, fee. These types of businesses are not likely to sell their collections, but anything is possible.

But those museums and galleries that were set up to generate extra income are realistic and can be found on business-for-sale websites. An option can be snatched up for a nice price. And the best offers get snapped up very quickly. 

You will be able to sell a spectacular type of business without any problems. Generally speaking, the procedure for transferring ownership is no different from that for any other kind of business. It is sufficient to transfer the rights under a sales contract. No governmental approvals are required.

Therefore, if you have decided to sell your brainchild, there is no need to worry about bureaucratic issues – they are exactly the same as in any other business. 

Which sales channels to use:

  1. Acquaintances and friends

Socialise, make an offer. Your potential buyer may be walking around somewhere nearby. Selling a business to acquaintances is usually the quickest and most successful option. If the person is trustworthy, they won’t cheat you and will be confident in your integrity. 

  1. Official site

Right on your website you can advertise that a business is for sale. Give your contacts and wait. Maybe an interested person will see the ad and contact you. Do not rule out that possibility. 

  1. Specialized sites for the sale of businesses

There are many of them on the Internet, although for the reliability of each we can not answer. Among the most famous and reliable is the largest portal for the sale of businesses . Here everything is simple – you write an ad, set the price, attach photos. Reliable potential buyers will contact you. Audience – large and loyal. 

The main thing when selling a business is to be honest. This also applies to adequate value, i.e. there is no need to overestimate or deliberately underestimate the value. In the course of an audit, the real price will come out anyway, and the process will drag on. At worst, buyers will bail one by one. And your task is to sell as quickly and successfully as possible. At the same time, for sure, you want to pass your brainchild to a good person who will respect your success.

Another important thing is to prepare your business for sale in advance. This includes setting up business processes and talking to subordinates about their future fate. It is better, of course, to involve a competent lawyer so that the sale goes off without problems or consequences. All the more so when it comes to rare items, which have a special value – apart from material, also cultural. 

You can and should sell spectacular species. If you can no longer do what you once loved, give someone else the opportunity to breathe new life into it. Every day galleries and museums around the world are selling successfully. You don’t have to worry about what you can’t do. Well we advise you to seek the services of an independent appraiser before you start the sale procedure. He will draw up a protocol, which will spell out the real value of each item, and you can already provide this document to a potential buyer. 

You don’t need to spend time and money going through the same process. 

And one more tip: When selling your business, think not only about your bottom line but also about the buyer’s expectations. Put yourself in his shoes and give him all the information about the business that you would like to receive yourself. By talking about what the buyer is getting for the money, you greatly increase your chances of a quick and profitable deal.